Friday, January 16, 2009

Can someone with basically no talent learn to draw? YNESO.

You can tell by the comic below that A) I can't draw, and B) The bird-king's crown and scepter vanish and are no where to be seen at all in the last frame. Possible sequel? I hope not.

I've always been told by teachers, artists, and infomercials that *I* have a secret untapped ability to make art. Not me specifically, but anyone. No matter who you are, you can draw, apparently.

Though I believe that most everyone can do what the guy with puffy-hair does on paint canvases by following formula and instructions, I don't think anyone can learn to draw a comic like a pro. I don't believe that the highest level of art can be done by someone who is not born with an inherent talent which is head and shoulders above others. I think it's bullshit.

Maybe you're slapping your knee, laughing, saying "Grimes, of COURSE it's bullshit!" To that, I say, "FUCK YOU! I'LL SHOW YOU. YOU ASSHOLE." I was just gonna end this post and not post anything ever again, but because of your flagrant disregard for my pure, raw, and untapped ability, now I have to spend hours and hours of my time proving you wrong.

This web-page with time and dates will be used as a personal experiment. I will, until I lose interest (which could happen really really fast I seriously can't do anything for along time) post my work as I crawl through my progress of becoming a full-fledged artist. I probably won't link this page to anyone because I am embarassed and ashamed that I am trying to achieve something because learning is for fags.

I will atleast weekly produce a comic for you to skim over so that you can post memes in the comments section. You, you are the true artists.



Spokker said...

Drawing is a learned skill and it takes a lot of practice and open-source software.

Wince said...

Open source... I mean this is pretty obvious guys, come on. Microshaft.

Spokker said...

I cannot use a piece of software if the combined weight of everyone programming it is less than the moon.